Mighty Fortress VBS

This past week, I organized and lead our third annual VBS at my church! This was the first VBS that I was in charge of since I have taken over leading our kids ministry back in February. 

VBS has been something that I have been planning since back in January, and has been all consuming for me for the past couples of months. 

We went with a theme this year called Mighty Fortress, which I loved because it was able to DIY most of our decorations so that helped us cut the cost down a lot.

Whether you are involved in a VBS or not, I hope you can gain inspiration from this and maybe spark your creativity to make something yourself!


We built a "craft castle" out of cardboard boxes, duct tape, and a LOT of paint. It took a few different sessions to paint all of the boxes, and while I really like the end result, I wouldn't recommend doing it the way we did. I think it would be better to build something like this out of plywood and paint 

The entrance into our craft castle was cut out of one of our larger boxes and then taped onto the floor to make a drawbridge look. The boxes in front of our stage were used for a canned food drive for our local area. The kids loved bringing in food to help others in need, and loved making it a competition against each other!

Most of our decorations were bought using supplies from the dollar store! These stained glass window decorations were made with dollar store foam board, cut to shape and painted. 

This thone was just a chair I already owned, covered in a red sheet with ribbon and felt diamonds glued on. We had these brick doorways around most of our doors we used at VBS. They were made just from cardboard soda can boxes (la criox boxes mostly) and just sponge painted and taped together. 

This was our Bible Story area, with a scroll of the ten commandments on the wall. 
Our VBS went off without a hitch and we had a great week! 
Hope you enjoyed!

